How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal Do's and Don'ts

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal? Do’s and Don’ts

Uncertain of what to expect from your first laser hair removal procedure? That’s totally okay.

You need to clean your skin before the treatment, stop waxing or plucking, shave the treatment area, and avoid sun exposure…

By the time you finish reading our blog, you will be an expert at laser hair removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

A permanent hair removal method that addresses the root of the issue is laser hair removal. The procedure destroys hair follicles with the use of focused lasers without harming the skin.

The pigment, or melanin, in the hair absorbs the laser’s focused beam of light. After that, the light destroys the hair follicle, stopping further hair growth.

The procedure must be carried out on areas with dark hair because melanin in the hair absorbs the laser. Laser hair removal is ineffective on red, blonde, or white hairs.

Some common areas where you might get laser hair removal service are:

  • Underarms
  • Bikini
  • Legs
  • Back
  • Chin
  • Upper lip

Although there are products for at-home laser hair removal, they are typically less effective than medical care. Some people might also be at risk from them.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Generally speaking, laser hair removal is painless and safe, but certain pre-treatment activities raise the possibility of side effects. Before having any cosmetic procedure, it is essential to go over any risks with your preferred cosmetic provider and learn how to reduce them.

To learn how to get ready for your laser hair removal procedure, schedule a free consultation with the skin experts at Vibrant Skin Bar!

Preparing for a laser procedure involves the following dos and don’ts.

Clean Your Skin before the Treatment

Make sure your treatment area (for example, a chair) is ready when you arrive at the salon or medical spa of your choice., legs, underarms, bikini area) is clean. The laser’s effectiveness can be lowered by lotions, sand, and other skin impurities. The laser can reach the hair follicles more easily on clean skin.

Stop Waxing Or Plucking

Hair removal techniques like waxing and plucking pull hair out from the root. If you wax or pluck your hair before a laser session, the laser cannot target the pigment in the hair because the hair has already been removed. Six weeks prior to your laser hair removal treatment, refrain from using hair removal methods that pull out the hair.

Shave the Treatment Area

Shaving is a step that must be completed one or two days prior to a laser hair removal procedure, as opposed to waxing and plucking. The laser can target the hair pigment by avoiding uprooting the hair. Shaving also reduces the likelihood of being burned by the laser because it removes hair from the skin’s surface.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Because traditional lasers require a distinct color contrast between the skin and hair for the target pigment in the hair to be successfully targeted, tanning increases the risk of laser burns. If the skin is darker, the laser may accidentally target the skin’s melanin rather than the hair. Several weeks prior to the treatment, stay away from the sun and tanning beds.

For at least two weeks prior to your laser treatment, you should refrain from using self-tanning products so that the laser can focus on the hair follicle rather than your tanned skin. Additionally, the likelihood of skin burning is decreased.

Use Medications With Caution

Some medications affect the effectiveness of laser hair removal because they increase the risk of side effects and make the skin more sensitive. These include:

  • Blood-thinners
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Antibiotics
  • Topical products with retinol
  • Acne products
  • Hormone treatments

Before getting a laser hair removal procedure, talk to your doctor if you take any of the medications mentioned above to learn about any potential risks.

Use Skin Products Carefully

Before using a laser for hair removal, ask your cosmetics provider about the safest products to use. Skincare product ingredients with certain side effects, such as skin discoloration, redness, and irritation, can make the skin more sensitive to pain.

Your cosmetic provider may recommend discontinuing these skincare products for a week or two before the treatment:

  • AHA/BHA exfoliating creams
  • Products with retinol or retinal
  • Products with benzoyl peroxide
  • Products that dry out the skin

Use only mild moisturizers and gentle cleansers for a few days prior to your laser hair removal appointment for safety’s sake.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol dehydrates the skin, which makes laser hair removal more painful, so avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol for 24 hours before the procedure.

Refrain from Drinking Coffee

For at least a few hours prior to your laser treatment, avoid coffee. Like alcohol, coffee makes the skin more sensitive and may intensify discomfort or pain.

Avoid Laser Hair Removal After Botox and Dermal Fillers

Wait two weeks before getting a laser hair removal procedure after getting Botox or dermal fillers. If the injectables haven’t had time to settle, the laser treatment may disrupt the effects of the cosmetic procedure and result in swelling and redness.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal Do's and Don'ts
How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal? Do’s and Don’ts

Can I Shave Or Wax before My Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

It is recommended to do this. Prior to receiving treatment, the treatment area should be completely shaved. Legs should be shaved about 24 hours before your appointment to prevent irritation. Between laser treatments, avoid waxing, tweezing, epilation, and the use of chemical depilators. The laser must be used in order for the treatment to be effective because it targets the hair root. During your treatments, shaving is the only hair removal method that is advised. The laser technician may shave the treatment area for an additional fee of $75 or more.

What to Expect During Your Laser Hair Removal Appointment

If you are a good candidate and we decide you can benefit from laser hair removal, we will start the procedure. To make sure there are no medical conditions that preclude treatment, your laser technician will start by asking you a few pertinent questions about your recent medical history. You can specifically tell us what hair you want removed at the time the technician and you discuss your treatment preferences. To help you mark the starting and ending points of the laser hair removal, we can even give you a white pencil that is only good for one time. The treatment area will be cleaned and made ready for use. To ensure there are no unpleasant surprises, your technician will walk you through each step of the procedure.

What to Expect During Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Even though you’ll start seeing less hair growth after just three appointments, it typically takes 6–10 treatments for people to notice a permanent decrease in hair growth.

It could take up to 6 months to complete the course of treatment. Due to the hair growth cycle, you will need to wait 4-6 weeks between appointments in some areas and up to 8–10 weeks in others.

The appointment itself, though, is usually brief. Up to 60 minutes may be needed to cover larger areas, like the back. Expect a brief appointment if you are treating the upper lip.

You’ll be given a set of safety goggles to wear when you show up for the appointment. As an additional option to ease any discomfort, numbing cream might be given to you.

There is no need to be concerned if the thought of lasers makes you picture burning flesh. The lasers employed in laser hair removal are specifically designed to target hair follicles and do not cause skin burns. The procedure is typically described as unpleasant and stinging.

The most important thing to remember is that laser hair removal treatment will produce noticeable results. 90% of people can get rid of their hair with laser hair removal, which means that most people start losing their hair after three to six sessions.

But it’s crucial to remember that outcomes might not be apparent right away. People frequently notice faster hair growth at the start of their treatment. Be patient, and the outcomes you desire will soon be evident.

Read about How Many Sessions For Laser Hair Removal

After Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

In the treatment area after laser hair removal, redness and swelling are common side effects. For a few days, this might continue. For a few hours following treatment, the treated area might experience a sunburn-like or razor-burn-like sensation. For the relief of redness and irritation, over-the-counter hydrocortisone or aloe vera may be used.

The treated area’s hair will gradually fall out over the course of two weeks, on average. When your series of laser hair removal treatments is over, any remaining patches of hair growth will disappear.

Improper post-treatment care, such as overheating or overexposing the treated area to the sun, can increase the risk of scarring, changes in skin pigmentation, and changes in skin texture.

  • It is imperative that you avoid excessive heat in the treatment area, such as hot tubs, saunas or working out for 24 hours after laser hair removal treatment.
  • Avoid sun exposure to the treatment area, and do not use UV tanning beds at all for two weeks after treatment. Daily (rain or shine) use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
  • Avoid applying any topical photosensitive medications (e.g. hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, retinols, and benzoyl peroxide) in the treatment areas for three days after treatment. Apply lotion and a mild cleanser to the treated areas.
  • Follow instructions regarding all oral medications that we provided at your medical laser consultation.
  • Do not have Botox injections, dermal filler injections, chemical peels or microdermabrasion in the treatment area for at least 14 days after laser hair removal.

Treatments should be scheduled as follows:

Facial Areas: Every 4-6 weeks

Trunk Areas: Every 6-8 weeks

Leg Areas: Every 8-10 weeks

Read about Can You Get Laser Hair Removal Over A Tattoo?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Areas of the Face Or Body Cannot Be Treated With a Laser?

No, you can use the laser that is best for your skin type to treat any part of your body or face.

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

Despite the fact that everyone has a different threshold for pain, the majority of clients do not find it to be painful. According to our patients, using our lasers for treatment is much more comfortable than using other lasers or waxing. Our lasers have a Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) that, in comparison to other lasers, makes the procedure more comfortable and gentler on the skin. Treatment times are incredibly fast because the lasers we use have a very large (18mm) spot size. Any discomfort is brief and passes quickly.

How Many Laser Hair Removal Treatments Will I Need?

The average number of treatments required is between 4 and 8, but this medical treatment cannot be guaranteed due to a number of factors. To achieve the best outcome, multiple treatments must be carried out at 4–10 week intervals. The effectiveness of laser hair removal may be diminished by irregular treatment schedules and lengthy gaps between sessions.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Anywhere on the body or face where smooth skin is desired, Blue Water Spa offers FDA-cleared laser hair removal to permanently reduce hair. Only changes in hormone levels can stimulate certain hair follicles. Treatments for laser hair removal do not stop the follicles in question from producing new hair. Patients may experience hair growth as a result of various hormonal factors, including pregnancy or aging-related hormone changes.

First 24 Hours

You should continue using the gel for the next two to three days. Make sure to utilize it as often as required.

You might have some redness after your session. Within a day to a few days, it ought to disappear.

You can apply an icepack to your skin that is covered with a fresh cloth for comfort.

  • Avoid exposure to the sun, even if it is unlikely to happen.
  • For a 24-hour period, refrain from using any lubricants or chemical products.
  • Steer clear of hot baths, showers, and saunas.

The hair follicles typically need 4-6 weeks to recover and reach the proper stage for your subsequent laser treatment. Inform your doctor about any holidays you intend to take, any sun exposure you have had or may have, and your period if it is pertinent. For the best outcomes and maximum comfort, Premier Laser & Skin clinics use the most advanced medical-grade lasers. The field experience of each of our clinicians is extensive. Because of this, you can be confident that you are secure.

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